21.   Although most have been released, the rebels say they will free the rest only when the government agrees to release hundreds of their comrades from jail.

22.   An official of the Al-Makassed hospital said none of those sickened were in danger and most were released after treatment.

23.   But most were released after their identities were established.

24.   During previous administrations, many heads of conglomerates were convicted of bribery charges, but most were released with fines or short prison terms.

25.   Eleven babies were hospitalized and most were released.

26.   In its latest report, Amnesty said hundreds of people have been arrested but most were released later.

27.   In recent months Turkey has detained thousands of students for submitting petitions demanding education in Kurdish, though most were later released.

28.   In previous incursions, Israel detained large numbers of people for questioning, and released most after several days.

29.   Most are released after a few days, sometimes after a lashing.

30.   Most have been released after paying temporary residence fees.

v. + most >>共 694
spend 15.56%
make 6.80%
do 3.94%
get 3.34%
have 2.38%
suffer 2.30%
benefit 2.22%
matter 2.19%
control 1.97%
take 1.62%
release 0.86%
release + n. >>共 848
detail 5.68%
name 5.61%
report 5.24%
statement 3.89%
information 3.62%
figure 3.39%
result 3.17%
hostage 3.06%
prisoner 2.84%
man 1.41%
most 0.60%
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