21.   The Department of Social Services is considering relaxing certain regulations to make it easier to establish family day-care centers.

22.   The National Rifle Association, based in Fairfax, has lobbied vigorously in all statehouses to relax handgun regulations.

23.   The rush comes after the U.K. government in May relaxed regulations to give tax breaks to individuals who invest in venture trusts.

24.   Transportation unions have threatened to strike in recent weeks unless the government relaxes regulations which set standards on the upkeep and cargo loads of trucks.

25.   Top federal regulators recently recommended informally that the White House relax regulations that require power plants to install new pollution control equipment when they upgrade operations.

26.   Under criticism from opposition parties, they have had to relax some regulations on party registration, Frowick said Friday.

27.   While Yamaichi has been strong on the corporate finance side, it faces intensifying competition from foreign financial institutions as Japan relaxes regulations.

28.   Wiping out or relaxing rent regulations has thus become a more explosive concern in Southside than in other welfare-dependent neighborhoods.

29.   Bolstered by government moves to relax regulations on foreign currency dealing, the U.S. dollar climbed higher against the Japanese yen in Tokyo Thursday.

30.   Bush also renewed his commitment on an issue dear to the high-technology industry, pledging to relax certain regulations on exporting powerful computers and software.

v. + regulation >>共 518
violate 5.02%
enforce 4.39%
issue 4.28%
ease 3.40%
tighten 3.07%
impose 2.28%
have 1.84%
draft 1.62%
change 1.43%
reduce 1.40%
relax 1.29%
relax + n. >>共 221
rule 11.94%
restriction 11.48%
control 5.42%
ban 4.50%
regulation 4.32%
muscle 3.67%
law 3.49%
grip 3.21%
requirement 2.85%
policy 2.66%
每页显示:    共 47