21.   The rand sank on concern South Africa may relax foreign exchange controls, which could lead to a flight of capital.

22.   The rand sank amid concern that South Africa may relax foreign exchange controls, which could lead to a flight of capital.

23.   The RSA company was a leader in lobbying the Clinton administration to relax those controls, which it eventually did.

24.   The United States, for its part, will have to relax controls on textile imports from China for an agreement to be possible.

25.   Would he be able to relax his control enough to give the family chronicle air and life?

26.   With the pressure on the currency, it makes no sense to relax exchange controls.

27.   Aquino and her successor, Fidel Ramos, gradually relaxed those controls and openly sought foreign investment, despite criticism from political opponents.

28.   Beijing appeared to be willing to relax those controls slightly in exchange for getting access to American audiences.

29.   But as India relaxes those controls, the underworld is proving adaptable.

30.   But Balis says the region might be making a big mistake if it relaxes mosquito controls.

v. + control >>共 416
take 18.65%
lose 9.36%
have 8.88%
regain 4.23%
gain 3.81%
retain 3.78%
seize 3.35%
maintain 2.88%
tighten 2.44%
keep 2.39%
relax 0.35%
relax + n. >>共 221
rule 11.94%
restriction 11.48%
control 5.42%
ban 4.50%
regulation 4.32%
muscle 3.67%
law 3.49%
grip 3.21%
requirement 2.85%
policy 2.66%
每页显示:    共 59