21.   The meat on the table along with the vegetables attest to his relative prosperity.

22.   The subsidies have probably bought time for the French in Polynesia, with many Polynesians aware that their relative prosperity might evaporate without the French presence.

23.   There is always a risk of a candidate appearing too sunny when, even in a time of relative prosperity, things are not perfect.

24.   They are weighing their often disdainful feelings for President Clinton against the relative prosperity of their lives under a Democratic administration.

25.   Zogby contended that the close race comes largely because America is enjoying relative prosperity.

26.   Although criticized by some for his ruthless policies against nationalists and human rights activists, Tito managed to stifle ethnic intolerance at home and led Yugoslavia to relative prosperity.

27.   Although Zahir was not a dynamic king, many remember him fondly because his reign was the last period of peace and relative prosperity Afghanistan has known.

28.   As a whole, Ho Chi Minh City is again an island of relative prosperity in a still impoverished land.

29.   Despite its relative prosperity, no country in the world is as dependent on diamond revenues as Botswana.

30.   In retrospect, these measures put Indonesia on the road to recovery and then subsequently, a path to relative prosperity.

a. + prosperity >>共 219
economic 21.33%
relative 4.72%
greater 4.00%
new 4.00%
unprecedented 4.00%
national 3.28%
future 3.18%
growing 2.67%
continued 2.56%
current 2.36%
relative + n. >>共 688
calm 7.07%
ease 3.64%
safety 3.45%
newcomer 3.37%
obscurity 3.35%
peace 3.03%
strength 2.28%
term 2.20%
unknown 2.14%
stability 2.03%
prosperity 1.23%
每页显示:    共 46