21.   And the State Department, which approves or rejects refugee applications, is trying to continue the humanitarian program with unprecedented new obstacles.

22.   Another group rejected his application because, since his premises were destroyed, he is no longer a downtown businessman.

23.   And, he said, detention centers would be expanded to make room for asylum seekers whose applications are rejected.

24.   Armed with glowing reports from superior officers about their conduct and professionalism, the four appealed the dismissals to the British courts, but their applications were rejected.

25.   Authorities may reject the application for a number of reasons.

26.   A wider trial would have helped ImClone gain approval for the drug in the United States after the FDA rejected its application late last year, citing incomplete data.

27.   After his application was rejected, Paster sued the school.

28.   After graduation, Farkas, who said his initial application was rejected by Harvard Business School, went to work on Wall Street, starting at Salomon Brothers.

29.   After the Planning Department erroneously classified the bakery as a fast-food joint and rejected its application, residents gathered signatures in support last month.

30.   All he wanted was an assistant coaching job, but his applications were rejected.

v. + application >>共 469
reject 6.91%
have 5.90%
submit 5.87%
file 5.80%
approve 4.03%
make 3.77%
accept 3.20%
process 3.02%
withdraw 2.78%
consider 2.50%
reject + n. >>共 677
proposal 6.58%
idea 6.02%
offer 5.97%
request 4.17%
suggestion 3.89%
demand 3.89%
call 2.98%
claim 2.94%
appeal 2.91%
plan 2.82%
application 1.46%
每页显示:    共 264