21.   In her letter to British Airways, Madikizela-Mandela demanded her excess baggage costs be reimbursed so she could repay her fellow passengers.

22.   The National Power Corp. will reimburse the cost of these infrastructures over five years.

23.   Individual country contingents are required to have their own back-up for any mission, although the UN reimburses costs, he said.

24.   Discussions were still underway with the United States on reimbursing the costs of the mission, the sources said.

25.   While accepting that abortion should not necessarily be punishable, the constitutional judges refused to decriminalise terminations, meaning that the costs cannot be reimbursed from public funds.

26.   Machribie said Freeport would be the principal manager of the Busang project, and that it may reimburse previous costs incurred by Bre-X, including for exploration.

27.   The funds BP has agreed to pay will be used mainly for environmental protection and to reimburse costs incurred to clean up oil traces on shore.

28.   The Journal suggested that hospitals needed to achieve a high volume of transplants before government and private insurers would reimburse the cost of surgery.

v. + cost >>共 418
cut 16.02%
reduce 10.52%
cover 5.79%
raise 4.94%
lower 4.28%
increase 3.38%
pay 3.02%
control 1.97%
share 1.53%
keep_down 1.43%
reimburse 0.19%
reimburse + n. >>共 169
state 6.07%
company 5.56%
government 5.40%
cost 4.72%
hospital 4.38%
customer 3.20%
money 2.70%
city 2.70%
country 2.36%
owner 2.19%
每页显示:    共 28