21.   On the battlefronts, reinforcements from Croatia helped Muslim-led government troops blunt Serb efforts to regain territory in parts of northwestern Bosnia.

22.   Reinforcements from Croatia helped Muslim-led government troops blunt Serb efforts to regain territory in parts of northwest Bosnia.

23.   Radio Nepal said army reinforcements reached the area Thursday morning and that a battle to regain the territory followed.

24.   Romanian nationalists fear that Hungary wants to regain the territory.

25.   Reinforcements from Croatia helped Muslim-led government troops blunt Serb efforts to regain territory in parts of northwestern Bosnia this week.

26.   Since the first clashes in early May, India has made slow progress regaining territory, with each battle costly.

27.   Some are needed to keep the KLA from going on the offensive and regaining territory.

28.   Spain, however, has never let up trying to regain the territory.

29.   The Liberian Peace Council troops were trying to regain territory lost to Taylor forces earlier this year.

30.   The Khmer Rouge faction holding him prisoner has regained territory lost after a mutiny flared two weeks ago and raised hopes he might be taken.

v. + territory >>共 350
enter 9.55%
use 4.83%
leave 2.96%
seize 2.76%
cross 2.64%
defend 2.56%
occupy 2.24%
control 2.16%
recapture 2.08%
annex 2.04%
regain 1.72%
regain + n. >>共 439
control 14.91%
consciousness 7.80%
lead 4.68%
confidence 4.42%
form 3.52%
composure 3.12%
ground 3.10%
strength 3.08%
power 2.87%
momentum 2.35%
territory 0.90%
每页显示:    共 43