21.   The refugees poured out of Kosovo at the rate of a thousand an hour Sunday, bringing Serb forces closer to emptying the province of its ethnic Albanian majority.

22.   The refugees have been pouring into the neighboring regions of Zugdidi and Salendzhikha since Sunday, said Tamaz Nadareishvili, chairman of the Abkhazian Supreme Soviet in exile.

23.   The refugees have been pouring into the neighboring regions of Zugdidi and Salendzhikha since Sunday, said Tamaz Nadareishvili, chairman of the Abkhazian parliament Soviet in exile.

24.   The refugees have poured into overcrowded provincial cities controlled by the government as UNITA has overrun much of the countryside.

25.   They were being deployed from Belgrade to help with the humanitarian crisis in Montenegro, the southwestern region of Yugoslavia, where Kosovo Albanian refugees were pouring in.

26.   Thousands more refugees pour out of Kosovo.

27.   When the refugees first poured into camps around Goma, Zaire, last July thousands died in epidemics of cholera and dysentery.

28.   In recent days a half million Hutu refugees have poured from Zaire into Rwanda.

29.   An AFP correspondent in the mountainous region of Vedeno in the southeast reported fierce fighting overnight, and refugees poured out of villages in the area Tuesday.

30.   The refugees poured into the Kibondo and Kasulu camps and new arrivals were still being registered, Kessler said.

n. + pour >>共 632
money 4.55%
smoke 3.59%
investor 3.11%
rain 3.02%
thousand 2.87%
water 2.87%
troop 1.92%
people 1.92%
government 1.87%
fan 1.68%
refugee 1.68%
refugee + v. >>共 618
be 13.58%
say 7.18%
return 6.79%
flee 4.54%
have 3.73%
begin 2.20%
arrive 1.83%
tell 1.77%
continue 1.74%
come 1.56%
pour 0.68%
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