21.   Most analysts and representatives concede that fundamental tax reform will take several years to complete, if it passes at all.

22.   Now, with insolvency decades away and little public discussion about reforms taking place, lawmakers face a tougher challenge in reaching an agreement, Rother said.

23.   President Ernesto Zedillo pointed to the election as evidence that his electoral reforms have taken root.

24.   Reform will take time -- if it happens at all.

25.   Republicans and Democrats have sharply different views on the shape that campaign reforms should take, Ornstein said, while interest groups and academics have still different views.

26.   Reform takes a hard line on the issue of Quebec separation.

27.   Reform has certainly taken hold in Russia.

28.   Secretary Robert Rubin reported to Congress that economic reforms are taking hold and the risk of default has abated.

29.   Significant reform takes time, so Drew cautions Americans to be prepared to hunker down for the long haul.

30.   Sounding a less dire note, foreign diplomats and aid officials in Bosnia asserted that economic and judicial reforms take time.

n. + take >>共 1201
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reform + v. >>共 439
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