21.   A marathon record would help bleach the stain.

22.   Agents said the seized records would help them understand the methods and scope of the operation and could lead to further arrests.

23.   He said many bodies were so mangled that not even dental records would help.

24.   In the event of any hazardous accident such as burns or crash, the dental records would help to identify victims.

25.   Online records help investigations.

26.   Recent reports have suggested computerized records could help doctors and hospitals keep better track of the things that go wrong.

n. + help >>共 1529
government 1.38%
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dollar 0.99%
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group 0.62%
system 0.62%
technology 0.59%
record 0.10%
record + v. >>共 425
be 33.86%
show 19.16%
indicate 4.98%
say 2.35%
fall 1.88%
suggest 1.25%
come 1.11%
include 1.08%
have 0.99%
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