21.   Russian troops continued attempts to pick off the rebel snipers still operating in Grozny, but the separatist fighters defied efforts to drive them out of the city.

22.   Rebel snipers continued to fire at ECOMOG troops carrying out clean-up operations in the city, he said.

23.   Rebel snipers fired occasional shots at the village of Lucane throughout Tuesday morning.

24.   Rebel snipers fired occasional shots in the village of Lucane throughout Tuesday morning, particularly when police technicians attempted to collect evidence of the previous shooting.

25.   Rebel snipers kept main streets under constant fire, and dark smoke rose from the southwestern factory district, possibly from an oil facility.

26.   Russian troops attempted to pick off rebel snipers operating in the Chechen capital Tuesday, but the separatist fighters defied efforts to drive them out of the city.

27.   Suspected Communist rebel snipers have killed a Canadian geologist who was inspecting an Australian mining project from a helicopter in the northern Philippines, police said Wednesday.

28.   The Serbian Media Center said the main road between Pristina and Podujevo was closed because of rebel snipers.

29.   They dug in behind piles of dirt, trash receptacles and tree roots, cowering behind any obstacle to stay out of the sights of rebel snipers.

30.   Those remaining, a mix of ethnic Albanians, Macedonians and ethnic Serbs, often stay indoors rather than face rebel snipers in the surrounding hills.

n. + sniper >>共 24
police 25.19%
rebel 25.19%
government 15.56%
army 14.81%
rooftop 5.19%
abortion 0.74%
airgun 0.74%
bureau 0.74%
commando 0.74%
devil 0.74%
rebel + n. >>共 482
leader 16.02%
group 11.08%
force 5.07%
attack 4.07%
fighter 3.69%
commander 3.23%
stronghold 3.21%
movement 2.55%
position 2.14%
soldier 1.82%
sniper 0.18%
每页显示:    共 34