21.   Rebels periodically raid small towns in Colombia, but do not pose a serious military threat to the government.

22.   The current war began after Chechnya-based rebels twice raided the neighboring republic of Dagestan a year ago.

23.   The move came after Chechen rebels raided a southern Russian town and seized hundreds of hostages.

24.   The rebels raided banks and businesses, and cut off electricity and telephone lines.

25.   The rebels raided the mountain village Wednesday evening and abducted eight men, Governor Utku Acun said.

26.   The rebels simultaneously raided the villages in Davao City shortly after midnight, disarmed the militiamen in several houses and dragged them away, police said.

27.   The rebels also raided the house of the chief of the police station, it said.

28.   The rebels have been raiding villages and military posts and patrols over the past two years.

29.   The rebels raided the mountain village Wednesday evening and abducted eight men, Gov. Utku Acun said.

30.   They had been captured nine days earlier when the Chechen rebels raided the town of Kizlyar.

n. + raid >>共 149
police 38.78%
warplane 7.42%
agent 5.49%
troop 5.43%
force 3.62%
soldier 3.50%
prosecutor 3.32%
authority 2.29%
rebel 2.29%
investigator 2.11%
rebel + v. >>共 661
say 5.63%
be 5.41%
attack 3.57%
fight 2.64%
kill 2.17%
take 2.14%
have 1.87%
hold 1.70%
want 1.61%
seize 1.61%
raid 0.24%
每页显示:    共 38