21.   Is bombing Dublin a real possibility?

22.   Since the province was a hotbed of gentry resistance to the emancipation, confrontation looked a real possibility.

23.   Moreover, it might be possible to resolve some of the difficulties that might arise before, say, eviction or redundancy became real possibilities.

24.   And there is a real possibility that baseball is indeed on the wane.

25.   And there is the very real possibility that Ordonez, before he was injured, had already bottomed out.

26.   And there remains the real possibility it never will.

27.   And we are facing the very real possibility of a major conflict in Croatia late this summer or early in the autumn.

28.   And yet slavery was over, and blacks were free, and the promise of the Declaration of Independence was no longer a theory, but a real possibility.

29.   And, he said, what about the real possibility of creating children who appear to be normal but whose genes for neurological development work improperly?

30.   And, yes, divorce is a real possibility.

a. + possibility >>共 633
real 7.14%
strong 5.50%
distinct 4.56%
new 4.04%
remote 3.44%
such 2.73%
the 2.02%
intriguing 1.83%
endless 1.50%
good 1.50%
real + n. >>共 1189
life 4.72%
world 3.84%
thing 3.20%
problem 2.65%
name 2.11%
issue 1.51%
people 1.48%
reason 1.39%
power 1.31%
test 1.26%
possibility 0.72%
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