21.   Clinton also asked the college presidents to provide tutors for his national drive to boost reading skills in the first three grades.

22.   Colorado currently is implementing a program to test third-graders on their reading skills.

23.   Educators hope that the computers will open doors for those new to English and those trying to improve their reading skills.

24.   Ellerbee begins a typical relationship by giving his clients books to gauge their reading skills and motivation.

25.   Earlier tests in reading skills, math and science also yielded disappointing results.

26.   Enhances reading skills.

27.   Gov. George W. Bush wants to boost reading skills, renovate old courthouses and give franchise tax exemptions to small businesses.

28.   Governor Jane Dee Hull of Arizona, a former teacher, said her administration had enacted a program that mandates the use of phonics to increase reading skills.

29.   He had attended Boys and Girls High school until he dropped out in the ninth grade because of poor reading skills, Mrs. Graham said.

30.   He has since introduced new ways to teach English and math, as well as intensified reading skills programs.

a. + skill >>共 1251
new 3.46%
basic 3.30%
technical 3.10%
political 2.29%
social 2.07%
special 1.42%
great 1.32%
motor 1.23%
necessary 1.18%
reading 1.12%
reading + n. >>共 369
material 7.28%
list 4.91%
glass 4.86%
program 4.51%
skill 4.34%
room 3.58%
book 3.41%
test 2.89%
score 2.43%
habit 1.91%
每页显示:    共 75