21.   Another question asked whether I used seat belts all the time and had airbags in my car.

22.   As ordered, the meeting was held and the question asked.

23.   Ask these questions, he said.

24.   At a show, anyone can pay a private vendor cash for a gun and walk away with it, no questions asked.

25.   At one event last month, citizens were invited to exchange one pirated video for a legitimate copy, no questions asked.

26.   At one extreme are credentials issued through the mail, no questions asked, sometimes by the same operators who issue fake student identification cards.

27.   At least until someone finds another question to ask tomorrow.

28.   Because gun hobbyists want to get weapons, no questions asked?

29.   After a beer or two, they relax their guard and answer questions routinely asked hereabouts.

30.   Almost every night the first question asked at the post-play discussion is why Simon never appears.

n. + ask >>共 890
government 4.03%
reporter 3.64%
official 3.55%
people 2.89%
prosecutor 2.65%
company 1.99%
police 1.79%
lawyer 1.58%
group 1.55%
authority 1.36%
question 0.73%
question + v. >>共 282
be 65.79%
remain 5.83%
arise 2.55%
come 2.00%
have 1.48%
become 1.23%
seem 1.03%
ask 0.91%
linger 0.68%
go 0.60%
每页显示:    共 115