21.   The cause was pulmonary embolism, the result of a recent accident, said her son, John.

22.   The company said the cause was thought to be a pulmonary embolism.

23.   The cause was a pulmonary embolism, his family said.

24.   The cause was a pulmonary embolism, his mother, Mary Noyer, said.

25.   The cause was a pulmonary embolism, said Dorothy Dow, a sister.

26.   The cause was a pulmonary embolism, said her husband, Patrick.

27.   The cause was an acute pulmonary embolism, said his wife, Judy.

28.   The emergency room doctor neglected to order a test that would have determined if the patient had a pulmonary embolism.

29.   Therapy with heparin and other coagulants is now standard throughout the world in cases of thrombophlebitis, pulmonary embolism and heart surgery.

30.   There are possible fatal side effects from taking tamoxifen, such as pulmonary embolism and uterine cancer.

a. + embolism >>共 8
pulmonary 78.85%
possible 5.77%
coronary 3.85%
fatal 3.85%
acute 1.92%
fat 1.92%
long 1.92%
probable 1.92%
pulmonary + n. >>共 76
hypertension 15.45%
disease 12.04%
embolism 10.73%
fibrosis 8.38%
anthrax 5.50%
edema 4.97%
tuberculosis 4.19%
problem 3.40%
specialist 2.09%
medicine 2.09%
每页显示:    共 41