21.   Members of his transition team at one point suggested charging sales tax on food and medicine, provoking a storm of protests that it would hurt the poor.

22.   The brazen heist had provoked a storm of criticism over museum security in Italy, where theft and damage to a vast artistic patrimony is all too common.

23.   The bill has provoked a storm of criticism in a country where many, both black and white, come from conservative religious backgrounds.

24.   The book provoked a storm in political circles.

25.   The crime had provoked a storm of criticism over museum security.

26.   The deal provoked a storm of protest.

27.   The foulups provoked a storm of bad publicity for the organizers in the first week of the games.

28.   The move provoked a storm of protest, but while the protest has died down, the tents remain.

29.   The murder of elementary school principal Gwendoline Jele in the mostly black township of Soweto provoked a storm of outrage and was front-page news Friday.

30.   The killings provoked a storm of international protest.

v. + storm >>共 277
weather 13.34%
cause 5.63%
provoke 3.70%
forecast 2.62%
accompany 2.47%
raise 2.47%
follow 2.39%
expect 2.24%
unleash 2.00%
create 1.85%
provoke + n. >>共 647
protest 3.97%
outrage 3.90%
violence 3.57%
attack 2.91%
criticism 2.81%
debate 2.38%
outcry 2.22%
anger 2.18%
confrontation 1.98%
clash 1.95%
storm 1.59%
每页显示:    共 48