21.   It was that incident that allowed the president to win congressional passage of the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, which he subsequently used as a mandate to prosecute the war.

22.   Key to the changing political winds is the high marks Bush has earned in prosecuting the war in Afghanistan and pursuing terrorists domestically.

23.   Now, Bush will have to prosecute a war and try to rewrite the rules of peace at the same time.

24.   Otherwise, the party of the president prosecuting a war has lost the White House in the succeeding election.

25.   President Bush and his national security team are facing formidable diplomatic and military challenges in prosecuting the war on terrorism.

26.   President Bush is facing formidable diplomatic and military challenges in prosecuting the war on terrorism.

27.   Prosecuting a war in consultation with Congress is not always easy for the White House, but it is necessary under the Constitution.

28.   Putin has even said that Russia should be prepared to do without Western money if forced to choose between receiving financial assistance and prosecuting its war in Chechnya.

29.   Slavery is one of the several terrorist horrors by which Khartoum, rather than by set-piece battles, prefers to prosecute its war.

30.   The decision reflects his resolve to assert traditional Russian interests and his closeness with the Russian security establishment that is prosecuting the war.

v. + war >>共 540
fight 11.56%
end 11.17%
wage 8.72%
win 6.56%
declare 5.83%
lose 2.35%
start 2.04%
stop 1.46%
survive 1.45%
avert 1.24%
prosecute 0.57%
prosecute + n. >>共 374
case 15.10%
crime 6.32%
people 3.56%
war 2.64%
offender 2.46%
official 2.39%
suspect 2.15%
man 1.96%
officer 1.60%
company 1.47%
每页显示:    共 43