21.   The North accuses the South of plotting to use him for propaganda purposes.

22.   The neutral ICRC is reluctant to give out numbers, fearing these may be used for propaganda purposes.

23.   The Palestinian Authority statement charged that Israel had taken advantage of the exhibition for propaganda purposes.

24.   Western officials also expressed concern that the mission could be used by Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic for propaganda purposes.

25.   Human rights groups have condemned the campaign as mass state killing for propaganda purposes.

26.   However Russia could return religious items which had belonged to private charity organisations and which had served no military or propaganda purpose, he added.

27.   The prosecution said the penalty had been used for propaganda purposes.

28.   Zaoui and his colleagues were arrested in March when police netted weapons, ammunition, false identity papers, medical and radio equipment and fundamentalist literature for propaganda purposes.

29.   It appeared to be a re-enactment of the fall for propaganda purposes.

30.   Police netted weapons, munitions, false identity papers, medical and radio equipment and fundamentalist literature for propaganda purposes.

n. + purpose >>共 304
tax 13.82%
research 8.95%
business 5.27%
investment 3.98%
propaganda 3.08%
security 2.78%
entertainment 1.99%
campaign 1.59%
comparison 1.59%
identification 1.39%
propaganda + n. >>共 182
campaign 14.54%
war 9.93%
tool 5.32%
machine 4.96%
broadcast 4.02%
purpose 3.66%
material 3.55%
ploy 3.31%
film 2.96%
victory 2.25%
每页显示:    共 31