21.   Bolivia has made no effort to establish money-laundering controls or an effective asset-seizure program targeted at drug organizations, the report added.

22.   Hargreaves said the program will target small outbreaks that risk being spread when chickens are taken long distances to market on bicycles and buses.

23.   Nearly every NCAA tournament produces its share of up-and-coming coaches who lead underdogs into the late rounds and become targeted by programs looking for a change on the sideline.

24.   Only a handful of characters in television series are Christian, and no programs directly target the Coptic community.

25.   Other immunization programs are targeting children outside the capital city.

26.   Some aid programs target communities that have committed themselves to a multiethnic future.

27.   The program will target academics, schoolteachers, and journalists, as well as members of the general public.

28.   The program would target long-term addicts who have failed at traditional treatments with the aim of destroying the street drug scene that keeps them anchored to their addiction.

29.   The program targets former Soviet republics whose economies have largely been in shambles in the past decade.

30.   The program is targeting existing and potential investors, commercial growersand those who intend to go into commercial farming, as well as farmer cooperatives and entrepreneurs.

n. + target >>共 616
company 3.60%
group 3.25%
attack 2.95%
militant 2.76%
rebel 2.68%
police 2.14%
terrorist 2.10%
campaign 1.76%
government 1.72%
force 1.38%
program 1.30%
program + v. >>共 667
be 24.79%
have 4.23%
include 2.76%
help 2.03%
provide 1.85%
allow 1.69%
work 1.54%
begin 1.46%
offer 1.44%
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