21.   In the short term, the program aims to provide compensation to teaching hospitals that have relied on doctors-in-training as an inexpensive source of labor.

22.   It involves computer programs aimed at helping patients improve problem-solving skills, and group sessions designed to heighten the ability to act wisely in social situations.

23.   Joseph Mabin, president of the black chamber and of Mabin Construction Co. in Kansas City, said every enterprising bank had a program aimed at minorities.

24.   Joyce added that families should take advantage of newly enacted tax benefits and other programs aimed at easing the college burden.

25.   More companies will adopt internal education programs aimed at boosting the technical skills of their workforce.

26.   Nevertheless, Oxfam officials say US foreign aid programs aimed at improving the lives of impoverished citizens in the developing world are morally and financially justifiable.

27.   Now President Clinton has proposed a national literacy program aimed at ensuring that every child in the country learns to read by third grade.

28.   Other Jewish organizations run outreach programs aimed at putting the unaffiliated into contact with the faith and community.

29.   Programs aimed at homeowners range from the simple and inexpensive to those that are costly and highly sophisticated.

30.   Programs aimed at keeping people from smoking, drinking and taking drugs have far higher success rates than those aimed at keeping people fit and slim, Robinson said.

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