21.   Senator Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., has introduced legislation to suspend the drug certification procedure for two years, unless the president chooses to reinstate it.

22.   The chairs that American presidents chose to use in the Executive Mansion have revealed a lot about their politics, their personalities or both.

23.   The measure would require the president to choose from a list of sanctions.

24.   The league presidents choose the captains.

25.   The president chose Theodore B. Olson, who argued the election case for the Bush campaign.

26.   The president has chosen to defend, with his veto, a welfare system that no one can defend.

27.   The president chose a quintessentially Republican forum for his words.

28.   The next time the welfare reform president chooses to sacrifice a liberal constituency, no alleged evil genius will be around to take the heat.

29.   The president could choose whether to appear at the trial and whether to testify himself.

30.   The president chose Akron because the city has been the site of a racial healing program, called the Coming Together Project, for the last three years.

n. + choose >>共 971
people 4.55%
voter 4.32%
company 3.17%
government 2.68%
customer 2.04%
woman 1.86%
investor 1.69%
student 1.55%
parent 1.53%
consumer 1.51%
president 1.07%
president + v. >>共 673
be 11.15%
say 7.53%
have 4.79%
make 2.04%
meet 1.35%
take 1.34%
want 1.26%
speak 1.06%
call 1.00%
sign 1.00%
choose 0.27%
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