21.   But ultimate power will rest with Beijing.

22.   But without Ranariddh, and following the brutal purges of political opponents, it is clear ultimate power rests with Hun Sen.

23.   Critics have long claimed that too much power still rests in the hands of national union leaders.

24.   Critics have long claimed too much power rested in the hands of national union leaders.

25.   He remains the official president of the group, though real power always rested with figures like Pol Pot, Ta Mok and Nuon Chea.

26.   However, Katsav has a mainly ceremonial role, and the real power rests with Sharon.

27.   In Bulgaria, most power rests with the prime minister and parliament.

28.   In democracy the political power rests with the people through the exercise of their vote in a free and fair election.

29.   Most government power would rest, as it does now, with a prime minister elected from Parliament.

30.   Nominally its supreme executive powers rest with the British monarch.

n. + rest >>共 718
decision 8.21%
defense 3.39%
prosecution 2.91%
power 2.26%
responsibility 1.90%
case 1.67%
matter 1.61%
head 1.43%
hope 1.37%
authority 1.25%
power + v. >>共 669
be 29.10%
go 4.20%
come 3.14%
have 2.17%
remain 1.76%
lie 1.53%
fail 1.35%
shift 1.26%
rest 1.12%
flow 1.03%
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