21.   While U.S. attorney posts often go to the politically connected, the Bush administration is generally following the tradition of picking experienced prosecutors.

22.   Pressure has been mounting on the Africans to submit alternative candidates or risk having the post go to a non-African.

23.   Qanooni is an ethnic Tajik and the interior post went to a Pashtun, Taj Mohammed Wardak, in an effort to bring ethnic balance to the new lineup.

24.   A slim majority of WTO members led by the United States back Moore, while almost as many insist the post should go to Supachai.

25.   But the coveted post did not go to Mr Au because HongkongBank chief executive David Eldon got appointed instead as Hang Seng Bank non-executive chairman.

26.   Developing countries suspect the post will go to someone from a rich country, reinforcing the grip they hold on top U.N. positions.

27.   Economic and fiscal policy posts all went to Zhu backers but powerful security and foreign policy positions were reserved for allies of Jiang and Li.

28.   He or she is the one who determines whether a new lamp post goes up on the street corner or whether the town gets a refurbished childcare center.

29.   He warned the Africans that if they do not abandon Boutros-Ghali, they risk having the secretary-general post go to someone from another continent.

30.   His former post went to Tourism Minister Maj. Gen. Saw Lwin.

n. + go >>共 1293
thing 2.90%
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team 1.36%
bomb 1.26%
case 1.08%
company 1.07%
game 0.86%
price 0.76%
man 0.72%
post 0.08%
post + v. >>共 208
be 35.82%
go 7.09%
remain 4.45%
come 2.76%
have 2.64%
give 2.28%
include 1.92%
say 1.68%
become 1.56%
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