21.   The NFL prohibits all league employees from possessing weapons while traveling on league-related business or while on league premises like a stadium.

22.   The richest countries, which possess major weapons, have little interest in stopping the spread of light weapons because they are the primary manufacturers.

23.   The UN has said the sanctions will end when inspectors are satisfied Iraq no longer possesses weapons of mass destruction or the ability to build or deliver them.

24.   The UN has said the sanctions will end when inspectors are satisfied Iraq no longer possesses weapons of mass destruction, or the ability to build or deliver them.

25.   The UN said the sanctions will end when weapons inspectors are satisfied Iraq no longer possesses weapons of mass destruction or the ability to build or deliver them.

26.   Their confusion is similar to that many have concerning what the courts have ruled is the source of the right to possess a weapon.

27.   This year, he was arrested and sentenced to three years of hard labor on charges of illegally possessing a weapon, which he claims was planted.

28.   Violent-crime rates have risen in the country, where citizens possess weapons left over from the war.

29.   We will not allow Iraq to threaten its neighbors or to intimidate the United Nations as it insures that Iraq never again possesses weapons of mass destruction.

30.   Pakistan has denied it possesses atomic weapons, but says it has the ability to manufacture them.

v. + weapon >>共 625
carry 6.53%
use 6.42%
fire 3.92%
have 3.89%
surrender 2.81%
develop 2.67%
destroy 2.54%
eliminate 2.47%
seize 2.36%
find 2.32%
possess 1.47%
possess + n. >>共 502
weapon 8.93%
power 4.02%
firearm 3.83%
drug 3.33%
explosive 2.83%
gun 2.14%
cocaine 1.95%
ability 1.89%
arm 1.89%
document 1.38%
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