21.   And so the population grew in classic Malthusian fashion.

22.   And they said passage of the legislation was crucial now because the female prison population was growing rapidly, largely because of mandatory drug-sentencing laws.

23.   And the population is growing, slowly.

24.   As a result, Fish and Wildlife officials say the plover population has not grown as fast on the islands as in the rest of Massachusetts.

25.   As our population grows older, walking is a more appropriate exercise for many.

26.   As populations grow and cities become more crowded, the margin for error narrows and the cost of mistakes rises.

27.   As the population grows, the water problem will probably get worse.

28.   As these populations grow, particularly in larger cities, the traditional counting approach has become less and less accurate.

29.   As that population grows, the potential for more international marriages increases, specialists say, and could result in a rise in intercontinental abductions.

30.   As the Internet population has grown into the millions, what was once a small, self-regulating society of academics and computer wizards has been engulfed by mainstream culture.

n. + grow >>共 1348
economy 6.89%
company 1.77%
number 1.64%
investor 1.53%
business 1.19%
market 1.17%
population 1.14%
demand 1.05%
concern 1.04%
plant 0.95%
population + v. >>共 369
be 25.69%
grow 8.47%
have 2.58%
continue 2.30%
increase 2.30%
become 1.72%
begin 1.44%
swell 1.39%
decline 1.34%
live 1.34%
每页显示:    共 176