21.   The contrast with the Speaker, whose popularity has plummeted, has helped Clinton and Dole considerably in public approval ratings.

22.   Yet his popularity has plummeted since the investigation of the judges began earlier this month.

23.   Yet she has gambled on a new Web site aimed at women, an area of online business whose popularity has plummeted in the United States.

24.   Yet she gambled on a new Web site aimed at women, an area of online business whose popularity has plummeted in the United States.

25.   A series of corruption scandals has plagued the government of President Kim Dae-jung, whose popularity has plummeted in the past year.

26.   But in recent years his popularity plummeted as he sought to hold onto power at any price.

27.   But his popularity has plummeted in the last two years over his erratic leadership style, the war in Chechnya and economic troubles.

28.   But its popularity has plummeted, and few think it can muster enough votes to get back into the lower house on its own.

29.   But now, some party legislators are demanding that he be replaced because his popularity has been plummeting.

30.   Control over media is crucial for Milosevic, whose popularity has plummeted during more than three months of demonstrations, which ended this month.

n. + plummet >>共 225
price 15.27%
stock 10.82%
sale 5.37%
popularity 4.78%
share 2.68%
market 2.52%
temperature 2.43%
value 2.43%
rate 2.18%
future 2.18%
popularity + v. >>共 186
be 14.94%
plummet 6.55%
soar 5.98%
grow 3.79%
wane 3.56%
fall 2.18%
sink 1.95%
make 1.95%
rise 1.95%
remain 1.84%
每页显示:    共 57