21.   It was believed to be the first time the pope had asked Sodano to stay home for one of his foreign trips.

22.   On Sunday, the pope had asked forgiveness for crimes committed against non-Catholics, and pledged to forgive those who caused his co-religionists to suffer.

23.   On Sunday, the pope had asked forgiveness for crimes committed against non-Catholics, and pledged to forgive those who caused Catholics to suffer.

24.   Sodano said the pope asked him to say Mass in his place.

25.   The letter, obtained by The Associated Press, said the pope asked Flynn to begin meetings with a Vatican official to work out details of the program.

26.   The pope also asked the Gypsy delegation to respect the laws of the countries in which they live.

27.   The petition wants the pope to ask heads of state to reduce sentences for all prisoners worldwide to mark the new millennium.

28.   The pope also asked about the Polish background of so many Israeli premiers, including Yitzhak Shamir, and Netanyahu named several of them.

29.   The pope asks you to do this.

30.   Vatican rules require that bishops at that age must offer their resignation, although the pope sometimes asks a churchman to stay on longer.

n. + ask >>共 890
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pope 0.21%
pope + v. >>共 495
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