21.   But how many politicians today would say that the United States should go to international forums to learn rather than to dictate?

22.   But many politicians said he was prepared to do anything he could to try to salvage his political reputation.

23.   But Macedonian politicians say his call for greater rights for Albanians is a barely masked first step toward setting up a semiautonomous region in Macedonia.

24.   But many politicians said that such an alliance of opposites would itself soon collapse.

25.   But politicians say there are enough Latino voters to tip the scales in close elections, and both major parties are starting to court Latinos.

26.   But several politicians said Thursday that it seemed unlikely that New York, with a strong tradition of partisan politics, would move in such a direction.

27.   But politicians say, why take a chance?

28.   But some politicians say that even these powers have diminished.

29.   But Palestinian politicians said Wednesday that real reform would speed their pursuit of a state.

30.   But some Israeli politicians said that things in the Middle East were not necessarily simple.

n. + say >>共 480
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spokesman 3.05%
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expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
politician 0.08%
politician + v. >>共 1031
be 11.61%
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have 3.15%
call 2.27%
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