21.   Critics say these younger, well-trained pilots may fly well under textbook conditions but lack the experience to keep a cool head during in-flight emergencies.

22.   During the Battle of the Bulge in World War II, American pilots flew through murderous flak to drop supplies and ammunition to the beleaguered garrison at Bastogne.

23.   Eager to cut costs, the airlines want the new jets to be flown by pilots who now are restricted to short-range turboprop commuter aircraft.

24.   Flight schools routinely require private pilots to fly with an instructor for at least an hour before allowing them to rent aircraft.

25.   Fuel ran out as the pilot flew in circles, searching for a landmark.

26.   Fresh Air Force pilots have flown to the region, and more are on the way.

27.   Glider pilots routinely fly from California to Utah, and beyond.

28.   German pilots also fly over Bosnia to enforce a no-flight zone.

29.   He had everything going his way until he demanded the pilot fly him to Africa.

30.   He said he did not know how long the pilot had been flying or where he learned to fly.

n. + fly >>共 1315
plane 10.81%
helicopter 8.85%
flag 5.78%
jet 3.09%
pilot 2.61%
aircraft 2.36%
airline 2.01%
team 1.75%
ball 1.42%
bird 1.38%
pilot + v. >>共 721
be 12.52%
say 5.23%
have 4.08%
fly 3.37%
report 3.35%
eject 1.89%
try 1.68%
see 1.36%
take 1.30%
make 1.21%
每页显示:    共 188