21.   The First National Bank of Chicago is the depositary for the letter of credit, and issuing and paying agent for the notes.

v. + agent >>共 577
have 4.36%
say 3.39%
use 2.93%
hire 2.47%
kill 2.47%
accuse 2.39%
call 1.93%
include 1.76%
send 1.63%
contact 1.63%
pay 0.88%
pay + n. >>共 447
attention 14.35%
tax 6.46%
bill 5.37%
price 4.94%
tribute 3.61%
fee 2.82%
dividend 2.75%
money 2.25%
fine 2.25%
ransom 1.76%
agent 0.08%
每页显示:    共 21