21.   But, as a result of new drug therapies, AIDS patients are living longer.

22.   But with patients living longer and care costs rising, physicians say it can run much higher.

23.   Dr. Lynn said the Support study showed how very difficult it could be for doctors to decide how long a seriously ill patient would live.

24.   Dr. Nicholas A. Christakis and his colleagues, reporting in the British Medical Journal, asked the doctors to predict how long their patients would live.

25.   During part of that time, the patient must live with a urinary catheter while the urethra heals.

26.   Even with the appropriate diagnosis and medication, the complexities of manic-depression are such that patients live in denial.

27.   FDA rules require the patients to live in the hospital until they receive heart transplants.

28.   Even more common are HMOs that are subdivided into different medical groups, sometimes based on where the patient lives.

29.   For one thing, now that these patients can live far longer, they can buy these expensive drugs for a long time.

30.   In a year or so, the FDA will consider whether Xcytrin patients lived longer than those who were simply irradiated.

n. + live >>共 1438
people 10.26%
family 9.43%
child 3.22%
couple 2.35%
most 2.24%
man 2.13%
woman 1.76%
parent 1.60%
mother 1.46%
patient 1.12%
patient + v. >>共 801
be 14.13%
have 11.19%
die 3.74%
get 2.81%
receive 2.81%
take 2.68%
need 2.44%
suffer 2.09%
sue 1.71%
go 1.43%
live 1.04%
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