21.   Her attacker ran off when a passing motorist stopped.

22.   Peter Hardcastle of Ridgehill, Dartmouth, was taken to hospital after passing motorists gave him first aid.

23.   His wallet was stolen and he was dragged to the ground and kicked about the head and body before a passing motorist stopped to give assistance.

24.   The gunman had stopped shooting and made off after a passing motorist arrived on the scene, the court heard.

25.   As a passing motorist noted, if construction was banned whenever an antiquity is unearthed in these lands, it would come to a quick and permanent halt.

26.   As his desperation grows, the grapefruit tree owner will begin offering his grapefruit to passing motorists.

27.   As the two men ran from the scene, the gunman shot and fatally wounded a passing motorist.

28.   At other times, one incident can prompt a flood of phone calls from passing motorists.

29.   AVOID BRIGHTLY FLASHING LIGHTS that could distract passing motorists.

30.   A passing motorist came upon a car that had nosedived into a ditch.

a. + motorist >>共 234
israeli 16.40%
passing 15.50%
stranded 5.77%
black 3.28%
palestinian 2.94%
angry 2.04%
private 1.70%
american 1.58%
speeding 1.58%
arab 1.47%
passing + n. >>共 626
game 11.52%
car 9.84%
motorist 3.40%
day 3.37%
vehicle 2.83%
situation 2.58%
year 2.45%
lane 2.38%
attack 1.78%
reference 1.46%
每页显示:    共 136