21.   Critics say the new party could split voters and dampen chances for any party from the right to win a large bloc of seats.

22.   Five other parties split the rest.

23.   In the past two federal elections, the Reform and Conservative parties split much of the right-wing vote while the Liberals cruised to victory.

24.   Just hours before the balloting, two opposition parties split and the rebels supported the BJP.

25.   Local media has speculated that with Milosevic no longer in Belgrade, his party may split up as a result of clashes between officials aspiring to his leadership role.

26.   Most think parties will split the losses.

27.   One reason the fundamentalists won the mayoral races was that the secular center-right and socialist parties split the rest of the vote.

28.   Several smaller parties split the remaining seven seats.

29.   Smaller leftist parties split the remainder.

30.   Small parties split the remainder.

n. + split >>共 591
team 5.80%
company 4.04%
party 3.26%
group 3.06%
issue 1.89%
candidate 1.76%
family 1.76%
two 1.56%
side 1.56%
couple 1.37%
party + v. >>共 674
be 12.11%
have 4.95%
say 3.54%
agree 2.90%
win 2.21%
want 1.40%
take 1.33%
hold 1.23%
call 1.16%
make 1.02%
split 0.24%
每页显示:    共 50