21.   He said ovarian tissue transplants could give new hope to young girls and women who face the loss of their ovaries to cancer.

22.   Healthy ovarian tissue was transplanted to her forearm in April last year, and it also has functioned like a normal ovary.

23.   Large cysts such as yours can rupture and cause pain and adhesions and should be removed as they can destroy ovarian tissue.

24.   Mouse studies have shown that cancer can be transferred to mice when cancerous ovarian tissue is implanted in their bodies.

25.   One mouse that produced an egg, produced a second the following month from the same fragment of ovarian tissue.

26.   Scientists have created a strain of mice whose ovarian tissue stays healthy with aging, avoiding the degeneration associated with menopause.

27.   Women have stored their ovarian tissue at centers around the world in anticipation that doctors will one day be able to re-implant it after cancer treatment.

a. + tissue >>共 430
soft 6.98%
human 5.87%
fetal 5.44%
healthy 3.52%
surrounding 3.09%
new 2.41%
fatty 2.35%
normal 2.22%
dead 1.85%
ovarian 1.67%
ovarian + n. >>共 22
cancer 75.40%
tissue 6.09%
cyst 5.19%
function 3.39%
tumor 2.71%
failure 1.58%
hormone 1.13%
cell 0.90%
follicle 0.45%
hyperstimulation 0.45%
每页显示:    共 27