21.   As UNICEF head, Grant emphasized simple, low-cost methods of improving pediatric health, such as immunization and oral rehydration.

22.   Grant, an American, met with scores of government leaders, always carrying a packet of oral rehydration salts in his pocket.

23.   He always carried a packet of oral rehydration salts in his pocket, as well as a note on the number of children killed by preventable diseases.

24.   It also says AID-sponsored oral rehydration is credited with saving tens of millions around the globe.

25.   Medical officials are working to set up treatment centers that offer oral rehydration.

26.   Most of the civilians were sent home after being given oral rehydration fluids but the soldiers were still being checked, Tamayo added.

27.   Several doctors and volunteers have been sent to the two areas to take medicine, oral rehydration fluids and fresh water, Estrera said.

28.   Halane said there was an acute shortage of oral salt rehydration and infusions that would help save lives in case it is cholera.

29.   However, the UNHCR said it had identified the strain, which was not a very virulent one and could be treated by oral rehydration.

30.   It aims to bring the death rate down from the current six percent to one percent or less through an oral rehydration programme.

a. + rehydration >>共 7
oral 70.21%
aggressive 14.89%
intravenous 6.38%
cheap 2.13%
complete 2.13%
modern 2.13%
salt 2.13%
oral + n. >>共 289
argument 20.48%
commitment 5.60%
vaccine 4.03%
agreement 3.34%
rehydration 2.25%
medication 2.25%
drug 2.12%
surgeon 2.12%
cancer 2.05%
health 1.84%
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