21.   Operators say that if the license fees are too high, they will opt to keep their current contracts.

22.   Sharif has opted to keep a provision of the Eighth Amendment that gives the army immunity for all martial law deeds.

23.   The Fed has opted to keep the funds rate unchanged at its last four meetings, given the mounting evidence of moderating economic growth.

24.   To counter jet lag, coach Lou Holtz opted to keep the players up all day rather than let them go to sleep.

25.   But if creditors opt to keep Hynix independent, they would have to extend a large amount of fresh aid to ensure its competitiveness.

26.   Viktor Zorkaltsev, Nikolai Gubenko and Svetlana Goryacheva opted to keep their parliamentary posts in defiance of the Communist leadership, who ordered them to step down.

27.   With parliamentary debates conducted in English, some MPs opt to keep quiet rather than show themselves up.

28.   The family has opted to keep the case as quiet as possible, the diplomats said.

v. + keep >>共 530
fight 13.88%
work 7.64%
do 6.39%
use 6.13%
can 4.63%
battle 1.61%
opt 1.46%
win 1.35%
lobby 1.30%
be 1.04%
opt + v. >>共 389
stay 6.73%
take 3.51%
use 3.51%
play 3.44%
go 3.29%
leave 3.00%
have 2.12%
keep 2.05%
sell 1.98%
remain 1.83%
每页显示:    共 28