21.   Opponents criticized provisions that would have abolished one of three international agencies.

22.   Opponents criticized the closed process of arriving at the budget compromise and said the proposals should have been openly debated in Congress.

23.   Opponents criticized the plan as too harsh in tough economic times.

24.   Opponents criticized funding groups based on religion, saying it would foster religious discrimination.

25.   Opponents criticized the bill for not allowing chronically-ill patients to visit medical specialists and for not protecting people who buy individual insurance plans.

26.   Opponents criticized the measure for not limiting the amount of money rich candidates could spend on their own campaigns.

27.   Opponents criticized the proposal as unconstitutional and immoral.

28.   Opponents have criticized him for acting out of mere expediency.

29.   Opponents have criticized Menem for what they call his dictatorial style of governing and accused the president of inhibiting democratic freedom by controlling the judiciary and the Congress.

30.   Opponents have criticized the tax package as favoring the rich and a drain on funds for social programs.

n. + criticize >>共 562
group 11.22%
official 6.60%
leader 4.04%
report 3.93%
newspaper 2.17%
lawmaker 2.04%
analyst 2.04%
environmentalist 1.98%
organization 1.73%
government 1.68%
opponent 1.54%
opponent + v. >>共 759
say 21.95%
be 12.18%
argue 4.74%
have 2.39%
accuse 1.94%
call 1.53%
claim 1.48%
contend 1.42%
fear 1.27%
try 1.12%
criticize 0.85%
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