21.   Opponents accuse Figueroa of using both economic largesse and terror to maintain control in the impoverished southwestern state of Guerrero, best known for its tourist mecca, Acapulco.

22.   Opponents constantly accused Wooden of turning up the heat.

23.   Political opponents have accused Roh of taking bribes through his adviser in the case for at least two years.

24.   Political opponents have accused Roh of taking bribes in the case for at least two years.

25.   Richards was elected governor four years ago after a notably vicious Democratic primary in which her opponents accused her of having used illegal drugs.

26.   Throughout the campaign, opponents accused the ANC of seeking a two-thirds majority in order to change the constitution.

27.   When the governor finally offered to debate, his opponent accused him of trying to dictate terms that would reduce the size of the audience.

28.   Opponents accuse Abacha of manipulating the electoral process to ensure his victory at the polls.

29.   Opponents accuse him of being too lenient with Libyan-backed Tuareg rebels waging a war for secession in the north.

30.   Opponents accuse Japan of using foreign aid to bribe poorer countries into supporting its stance.

n. + accuse >>共 475
official 7.02%
government 6.69%
group 5.89%
critic 4.49%
side 4.03%
leader 3.19%
authority 2.69%
opposition 2.18%
rebel 2.17%
party 2.01%
opponent 1.22%
opponent + v. >>共 759
say 21.95%
be 12.18%
argue 4.74%
have 2.39%
accuse 1.94%
call 1.53%
claim 1.48%
contend 1.42%
fear 1.27%
try 1.12%
每页显示:    共 127