21.   Although some Japanese veterans such as Shinozuka have come forward in recent years and confessed to war crimes, the Japanese government has resisted making official apologies to China.

22.   But it turned down a demand for an official apology, saying it remained unclear what caused the tragedy.

23.   But unlike similar abuses reported by human rights groups, the latest sweeps have received broad publicity inside Russia and led to unprecedented official apologies.

24.   Chinese officials said they wanted a fuller official apology from Washington and NATO and repeated demands for a thorough investigation and punishment of the perpetrators.

25.   Chinese officials said they wanted a fuller official apology from Washington and NATO.

26.   He stressed that they were freed without the official Czech apology Castro demanded.

27.   His death prompted an official apology from the Brazilian government and President Fernando Henrique Cardoso personally asked police to solve the case quickly.

28.   His death prompted an official apology from the Brazilian government.

29.   In addition to an undisclosed amount of financial restitution, victims want an official apology and a monument to the dead.

30.   In news conferences in New York and Hong Kong this week, they are expected to renew calls for compensation, an official apology and punishment for those responsible.

a. + apology >>共 272
public 19.07%
formal 8.93%
official 6.09%
written 4.22%
full 3.49%
personal 2.27%
sincere 1.70%
explicit 1.62%
unprecedented 1.46%
profuse 1.22%
official + n. >>共 875
visit 7.68%
result 2.67%
source 2.63%
announcement 2.29%
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report 1.94%
confirmation 1.89%
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newspaper 1.46%
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apology 0.28%
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