21.   Saturday and Sunday, big surf will arrive at northern shores unusually early as swells generated over the northern Pacific by the remnants of Typhoon Polly arrive.

22.   The northern shore is green and largely uninhabited.

23.   The researchers found deformed frogs near the northern shore of the lake in St. Albans, Alburg, Isle La Motte, and Ferrisburg.

24.   Then, as winter approaches, surfers migrate to northern shores as big waves produced by storm systems over the northern Pacific come ashore.

25.   Twenty-foot waves pounded the northern shores of Oahu Thanksgiving Day.

26.   Wave heights estimated by the buoy were later verified by reports coming from residents on the northern shores of Oahu.

27.   A tornado watch was in effect over the Florida Panhandle, which stretchs along the northern Gulf shore.

28.   African nations have called for sanctions, and no one knows what will happen next in the country on the northern shores of Lake Tanganyika.

29.   Australia recently began turning away people smuggling boats trying to reach its northern shore in an attempt to stem the tide of asylum seekers flowing illegally into the country.

30.   Elsewhere, hundreds of teen-agers gathered on the northern shores of the Beagle Channel that slithers through the islands of the Tierra del Fuego peninsula for a rave party.

a. + shore >>共 196
american 7.39%
southern 5.43%
eastern 5.28%
northern 4.98%
western 4.68%
italian 4.22%
south 4.22%
opposite 4.22%
rocky 3.92%
distant 2.56%
northern + n. >>共 393
alliance 10.37%
state 6.68%
part 5.65%
town 5.16%
city 5.03%
region 4.50%
border 3.03%
suburb 2.48%
province 2.41%
port 1.99%
shore 0.29%
每页显示:    共 33