21.   A lull descended on the camp as mediators declared a cease-fire was reached for noon prayers.

22.   Abu Rahmeh was en route to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem for noon prayers marking the second Friday of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month of fasting.

23.   Abul Subar and other men returning home from noon prayers said that only fear kept them from protesting openly.

24.   After Friday noon prayers, some Palestinians threw rocks at Israeli police stationed outside the compound.

25.   After Muslim noon prayers today, groups of several hundred marchers each walked from West Bank towns toward nearby Israeli army positions, hurling stones at the troops.

26.   After noon prayers on Friday, dozens of Palestinians threw stones at Israeli police ringing the Al Aqsa Mosque.

27.   Amit said his men were under orders to show restraint despite calls Friday by Muslim militants for protest marches after noon prayers.

28.   Arafat, who attended noon prayers at a Gaza City mosque, refused to comment on the elections.

29.   Anger boiled over in the Gaza Strip after the PLO police opened fire on worshipers at the Palestine Mosque during Friday noon prayers on the Muslim Sabbath.

30.   As the diplomatic contacts continued, Israel braced for more Palestinian riots after Muslim noon prayers Friday.

n. + prayer >>共 108
school 31.62%
noon 18.17%
morning 9.02%
midday 6.24%
group 3.33%
funeral 2.77%
dawn 2.64%
time 2.36%
mosque 1.11%
session 1.11%
noon + n. >>共 97
prayer 33.16%
deadline 10.89%
time 4.30%
hour 3.54%
rally 3.04%
meal 2.78%
newscast 2.53%
sun 2.53%
game 1.77%
start 1.77%
每页显示:    共 130