21.   Net proceeds will be used to repay existing bank loans.

22.   Otherwise, investors would have to sell their funds, pay taxes on any gains and then reinvest the net proceeds in new funds at the other firm.

23.   Spectra-Physics Laser intends to use the net proceeds from the offering for general corporate purposes, including working capital and capital expenditures, the filing said.

24.   The balance of the net proceeds will be used for general corporate purposes, including potential acquisitions and working capital.

25.   The company intends to use the net proceeds from the offering for working capital and other general corporate purposes.

26.   The company said it would sell its aircraft as opportunities arose and give net sales proceeds to unitholders after each sale.

27.   The expected net proceeds and other details will be available in future filings.

28.   The host committee will evenly split the net proceeds from the sanctioned events with the organizations that stage them.

29.   The net proceeds will go to support youth programs.

30.   The net proceeds of the live gate were earmarked for several New York charities, including the Congress of Racial Equality.

a. + proceeds >>共 89
net 20.35%
remaining 7.79%
insurance 5.19%
sales 4.33%
case 3.46%
total 3.03%
criminal 2.60%
entire 2.16%
additional 2.16%
game 2.16%
net + n. >>共 657
profit 9.07%
income 7.62%
loss 4.94%
worth 3.72%
effect 3.09%
result 3.01%
gain 2.71%
seller 1.77%
interest 1.70%
inflow 1.62%
proceeds 1.19%
每页显示:    共 47