21.   It was a neat legal trick, Shorstein acknowledged.

22.   It was a neat trick in war time, when cosmetics were scarce.

23.   It was a neat trick when it worked.

24.   Letting even Ms. Diaz turn ugly is certainly a neat trick, but Berg manages it all too well.

25.   Olivier Saint-Jean becomes a French citizen Wednesday night, which is a pretty neat trick for someone born in France to French parents.

26.   Parker turns the neat trick of making this commanding general of a private right-wing militia both scary and admirable at the same time.

27.   Proponents argued it would produce a meritocracy, which would be a neat trick, as some of the logically most worthy candidates would be automatically excluded from consideration.

28.   That said, some very neat tricks are shown.

29.   That was certainly a neat trick to accomplish.

30.   That would be a neat trick.

a. + trick >>共 369
new 7.65%
old 5.84%
magic 5.50%
neat 4.21%
same 3.61%
little 2.41%
clever 1.89%
real 1.89%
cheap 1.63%
next 1.55%
neat + n. >>共 445
row 8.87%
trick 5.11%
pile 2.82%
thing 2.09%
package 1.77%
stuff 1.57%
stack 1.46%
suit 1.36%
lawn 1.36%
feature 1.25%
每页显示:    共 49