21.   Freeman said it was not his intention to muzzle the press.

22.   He also said the media are free to criticize his administration and vowed not to muzzle the press.

23.   Human rights groups have condemned the cases as an attempt to muzzle the press.

24.   Introduction of a bill that would muzzle the press has been postponed in the face of condemnation by human rights officials.

25.   Its closure was widely expected after it published details of an alleged Intelligence Ministry plot to muzzle the press.

26.   The hard-liners have also tried to muzzle the press and have jailed reformist dissidents.

27.   The government has shelved draft legislation on media after severe local and international criticism the laws aim at muzzling the press.

28.   The protesters carrying torches and banners accused the government of muzzling the press and called for withdrawal of false cases against the Jang group of newspapers.

29.   The planned hike was sharply criticized at home and abroad as a move by the government to muzzle the press.

30.   The suggestion smacked of a move to muzzle the press, association president Jennifer Grant has said.

v. + press >>共 306
meet 8.70%
muzzle 4.35%
use 2.96%
get 2.87%
tell 2.77%
stop 2.47%
brief 2.37%
control 2.27%
accuse 2.08%
keep 2.08%
muzzle + n. >>共 53
press 27.16%
medium 13.58%
opposition 5.56%
critic 5.56%
opponent 5.56%
dissent 4.32%
criticism 3.09%
newspaper 2.47%
debate 1.85%
coverage 1.23%
每页显示:    共 44