21.   It is not a good idea to pressurize children into playing a musical instrument.

22.   Learning a musical instrument introduces a child to an understanding of music.

23.   The piano was his favorite musical instrument.

24.   We have an old musical instrument.

25.   It is called a clavichord.

26.   He raised the bucket too, and shook it rhythmically, as if it was some kind of primitive musical instrument.

27.   Making sound pictures using musical instruments and voices but not words -- of a swamp, building site, storm at sea.

28.   This indicates that they were working together in the musical instrument business.

29.   Rosewood, used mainly for fine furniture and musical instruments, is one of only six commercially traded timber species covered by CITES.

30.   A couple who make medieval musical instruments have just won a fifty thousand pound order from the Far East.

a. + instrument >>共 744
musical 10.71%
financial 7.73%
new 3.24%
surgical 2.73%
blunt 2.59%
scientific 2.41%
precision 2.19%
medical 1.47%
electronic 1.33%
traditional 1.29%
musical + n. >>共 1235
instrument 5.82%
theater 4.27%
director 2.13%
performance 2.03%
score 1.97%
style 1.95%
number 1.52%
career 1.48%
talent 1.42%
taste 1.35%
每页显示:    共 296