21.   Because the new construction will obscure some natural light at The National Gallery, the two museums have made a deal.

22.   But last year, the museum made a major addition.

23.   Since then, the museum has made changes to prevent the long lines that sometimes plagued that exhibition.

n. + make >>共 1472
company 3.80%
government 1.92%
official 1.37%
team 1.20%
people 1.13%
police 0.87%
player 0.78%
law 0.72%
rate 0.69%
president 0.68%
museum 0.04%
museum + v. >>共 530
be 19.69%
have 9.50%
open 2.01%
plan 1.72%
say 1.61%
offer 1.35%
display 1.17%
do 1.02%
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