21.   Despite that, a million little miracles may happen tomorrow.

22.   Do miracles happen?

23.   Ever wonder how this miracle happens?

24.   Generally, the Vatican must prove that a miracle happened as a result of prayer to the candidate.

25.   I told my little girl that miracles like that happen every day.

26.   In the ninth grade, just as I was bordering on complete body shutdown, a miracle happened.

27.   It allows miracles to happen.

28.   Maybe miracles still happen.

29.   Maybe so, but should that miracle happen, it will be Robertson, not God, who will be passing judgment on nominees to the Supreme Court.

30.   Miracles can happen, even to the Red Sox, every hundred years or so, give or take.

n. + happen >>共 1291
thing 31.48%
accident 8.08%
incident 5.34%
attack 1.90%
lot 1.61%
opposite 1.47%
crash 1.17%
stuff 1.15%
change 1.11%
shooting 1.11%
miracle 0.87%
miracle + v. >>共 87
be 36.43%
happen 15.89%
occur 7.09%
come 3.67%
take 2.69%
begin 1.96%
save 1.71%
win 1.47%
have 1.22%
attribute 1.22%
每页显示:    共 65