21.   The militants have waged a nearly three-year war against the government of President Hosni Mubarak, trying to replace it with a fundamentalist regime.

22.   Turkey has rejected a cease-fire offer from a Kurdish guerrilla leader whose armed militants have been waging a war for autonomy for the past decade.

23.   Islamic militants are waging a violent campaign to overthrow the government in Cairo.

24.   Bodo militants have been waging a protracted armed struggle for a tribal homeland carved out of Assam and adjoining states.

25.   Bodo militants have been waging an armed struggle for a tribal homeland carved out of Assam and adjoining states.

26.   Tribal militants have waged a decades-old campaign for a homeland carved out of Nagaland and adjoining states.

27.   Moslem militants are waging a bloody campaign to secede Kashmir.

28.   Pro-Mugabe militants also have waged a deadly campaign of intimidation against supporters of the upstart MDC.

29.   Separatist militants have been waging insurgency in Assam for more than two decades in which thousands of people have died.

30.   The militants are waging a protracted campaign for an independent homeland in Punjab.

n. + wage >>共 216
rebel 6.36%
group 5.43%
militant 4.81%
government 3.72%
side 3.57%
guerrilla 2.95%
force 2.79%
extremist 2.64%
company 2.64%
army 2.17%
militant + v. >>共 547
be 6.59%
kill 4.77%
shoot 4.13%
attack 3.89%
fire 2.49%
open 2.12%
say 1.99%
try 1.89%
target 1.77%
threaten 1.67%
wage 0.76%
每页显示:    共 31