21.   But the two companies might be able to show that the merger will create large savings that can be passed along to customers.

22.   But there is also concern that the merger could create such an aviation giant that consumers would suffer.

23.   But, some said, the merger may not create the dominant tech giant envisioned by HP and Compaq executives who signed the agreement.

24.   But with passengers and lawmakers complaining that the merger has created a monopoly, the government is encouraging discount airlines.

25.   Consumer groups and some state officials immediately raised concerns that shoppers could face higher prices as a result of decreased competition the merger will create.

26.   Critics think the merger would create too much concentration in the long-distance and Internet markets, allowing the new WorldCom to control prices and quality of service.

27.   Diane Glossman, a banking analyst at Lehman Brothers, said the Nationsbank-BankAmerica merger creates a national banking franchise in one fell swoop.

28.   Gaintner said a merger would create a leaner, lower-cost institution that would be better able to survive in the increasingly competitive health business.

29.   Given the speed of technological change, Greenspan said, it might be better to wait and see which mergers actually create competition problems.

30.   George L. Priest, who specializes in antitrust issues as a law professor at Yale University, says the mergers are creating greater efficiencies in the market.

n. + create >>共 2049
company 3.20%
government 1.71%
merger 1.55%
bill 1.34%
deal 1.13%
plan 0.84%
user 0.79%
people 0.78%
law 0.78%
economy 0.74%
merger + v. >>共 356
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go 3.06%
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